Caring for your Gerni Pressure Washer is just as important as the project you just finished and it’s quite simple. With some key steps we want to share with you upon starting up your Gerni to using your Gerni & finally after all your hard work is complete, storing your Gerni.
It is one of the most exciting times, opening your brand-new tool that you are just so eager to begin using, but first there are some steps you should follow. Please be sure to open & read thoroughly your Gerni user manual.
So, you have read your user manual, assembled your Gerni correctly and are now ready to begin.
It is very important that you follow the Quick Start Guide on the inner flap on your Gerni packaging. You will need to make sure all accessories are connected correctly, to ensure once you begin high pressure cleaning these accessories won’t burst. Please ensure you have connected your water supply and is flowing through the machine before you turn your Gerni on. Ensuring water is flowing through your Gerni before you turn on will preserve the life of your motor. Now you can turn your Gerni on, note that you will hear the motor surge (1-2secs) once this is complete your Gerni is telling you it can begin pressure washing.
Once you have finished your project or run out of sunlight, its time to hang up the hose. It’s important that you first turn off your machine from the unit and turn off water supply from the garden tap. Once your Gerni is turned off, you will need to release all excess water & pressure from your machine by depressing the trigger on your spray handle. There are 2 reasons why you need to do this.
Last thing before you pack away your Gerni until its next project, is to make sure all your accessories are dry and clear of any debris. This will again protect your accessory from potential damage and stop wear & tear on the O-rings. Key-tip is to keep your cleaning pin that you received when your first opened your Gerni box, this will come in handy with cleaning nozzles and accessories.